         On October 16, Holtop Specifier’sInvitation Golf Cup marked the beginning of the “Ventilation Systems and FreshAir of Buildings” Seminar in Manila, Philippines.

      &n𓃲bsp; 参加此次特邀赛和研讨会的有来自🦋菲律宾设计院的设计师、顾问和暖通专业人士共计55人。       

  Totally 55 elites were invited to this special event,including designers from Philippine design academies, consultants and HVAC  professionals.         𝔉Barcol-Air作为环都拓普的战略合作伙伴,共同组织了此次高尔夫特邀赛。Barcol-Air在菲律宾建筑新风领域有着广泛的💝影响力,已有30多年的发展史。

         As the strategic partner of Holtop, Barcol-Airhosted this Golf Cup event together with Holtop. With more than 30 years ofhistory, Barcol-Air has an extensive influence over the ventilation and airconditioning field.         近年来,菲律宾经济得到快速发展,人民生活质量普遍提高,对健康节能新风产品的需求持续增长。环都拓普与Barcol-Air将共同为菲律宾市场提供最优的绿色建筑解决方案。
         In recent years, Philippines develops rapidly,and the living standard and quality improve along with it, which steadilyincreases the demand of Energy Recovery Ventilation Products. Hence, Holtop andBarcol-Air will work together closely to offer the best products and solutionsto the Philippine market.
         Mr. Roy Young, representative from Holtop,  shared the development history of Holtop, introduced the latest research andproducts and explained the importance of fresh air by classic cases. Moreover,he talked about the positive market potential in Philippine.
         Holtop products are widely used and accepted inPhilippine through lots of commercial and residential projects. Thus, Holtopand Barcol-Air will cooperate closer together in the future to offer betterservices.
         The seminar was a complete success. Holtop’s influenceand innovation won high recognition from the experts. Holtop will continue tooffer the best products, solutions and services to Philippines, “HOLTOP fresh air for the world”.